Choosing Words that Fuel Your Confidence

Everything emits energy, even your words.

The language you use affects how you are perceived, how you feel, and how others feel. This is important because simply using more constructive language can have a profound effect on your surroundings and your own life. Energy attracts like energy, so when you operate in higher consciousness you attract opportunity and connection.  When you operate under stress and anxiety you attract…stress and anxiety.

So think about the words you are using.

Do you use words that put your character down, undermine your abilities, and keep you safe and hidden? Do you use language out of fear of not wanting to be judged?

OR do you use words that propel you forward and make you shine?

By becoming aware of the words you use, and whether you are using them by choice or default,  you will more easily step out of tunnel vision and create space for more clarity and confidence.

Here are three questions to ask yourself as you become aware of the language you use:

  1. What self-deprecating language do you use? When you become aware of your words you may just be surprised by the picture you’re painting. Think about when you are at work or in social situations, how are you undermining your abilities, strengths, and passions in conversations? It may be subtle words or direct statements that are telling people how to perceive you. When you use self-depreciating language you may end up creating the judgment you fear.

  2. When do you speak out of love and out of fear? What is your intention when conversing with others? Does your language reflect competition or connection? When you become aware of the energy that surrounds your words, you can more easily shift from an “I win, you lose” mentality to one of “we both win” or even “there is no winning, we are one.” This shift to a higher consciousness within higher levels of energy takes you out of fear and into a place of love. And we all know love conquers all. (Energy levels described here are part of the Energy Leadership Index, iPEC).

  3. Do you use words that keep you small? Some words you use may not necessarily be self-depreciating, but they also do not propel you forward. Instead, these words are your default and keep you stuck and in a place of impossibility.

Here are six examples of shifting your language from disempowered, catabolic energy to more powerful, anabolic energy.

Here are six examples of shifting your language from disempowered, catabolic energy to more powerful, anabolic energy.

Let’s shift from….

Try to I will, I won’t, I aim to.

I need to I have.

I can’t to I’m not willing to.

Sometimes to always or never.

I must to I choose.

I have to and I should, to I desire.

A few intentional changes to the words you use may be the boost of optimism and confidence you need to increase your energy, see a new perspective, and attract the opportunities that will change your career and life. 
Start with simply becoming aware of the words you use and make a few tweaks to align with your vision and fuel your confidence. 

Christy Venza is the Founder of Career Loved, a career coaching firm specializing in leading-edge strategies for high-achievers. To read more articles by Christy, visit www.careerloved/blog.

Post Photo by Brigitte Tohm on Unsplash