This is How You Make Time Work for You

What happens when you are working your calendar, you are listening to your Inner Leader, and you still just don’t have enough time? You’re late, you’re rushed, and you’re frustrated because you just can’t seem to get it all done.
This is where I found myself after starting my business. I felt organized, I felt like I was finally living my purpose, yet I still couldn’t find the time to get everything done. And I was frustrated.
And then one day during a workshop, I was asked a few questions that changed my perspective on time.  Through these questions I realized my beliefs around time were holding me back; it wasn’t my circumstances, but it was my mindset. I knew other successful people also had children, families, appointments, commitments, obligations, a cold, a headache, or a bad night sleep, and they were still getting amazing results.  My excuses were just that. 
So, I dove in deep to shifting my beliefs around time.
My excuses were based on beliefs that were no longer serving me. And until I took time to examine my thoughts, I continued making decisions based on my limited perspective. A new perspective shifted my mindset.

The first step to shifting your mindset is to become aware.

Here are 14 questions to gain awareness about your relationship with time.
Get specific, get detailed and think of examples when answering the questions below.

  1. Where do you spend most of your time?

  2. If time were a person, how would you describe your relationship?

  3. On a scale from 1-10, with 10 being most often, how often do you feel like you do not have enough time?

  4. On a scale from 1-10, with 10 being most often, how often do you feel like you are rushing around?

  5. If you answered 7 or above on question 4, what are you rushing around doing?

  6. How does rushing around make you feel on the inside?

  7. How are you perceived by others when you are rushing around?

  8. On a scale from 1-10 with 10 being most often, how often do you feel like you are late to appointments?

  9. If often, how does it make you feel when you are late for appointments?

  10. On a scale from 1-10, with 10 being most often, how often do you get sidetracked from the tasks at hand?

  11. Where do you desire to spend your time each day?

  12. Pretend you have a free day to do anything you would like. Break out your day hour by hour.

  13. Pretend you have the ability to design your workday so that it worked for you. Break out your day hour by hour.

  14. What are your beliefs around time in general (and that came up for you during this exercise)?

Next turn your negative phrases into positive ones:

Once you are more aware of your relationship with time, determine what beliefs are no longer serving you and turn them around. As you know, I believe your thoughts create your reality. What you think is how you behave and how you act. You can change your mindset with consistent positive self-talk. Go to question 14 and look at your beliefs about time. If they are negative, turn them into positive statements.
Here are some examples of negative beliefs that drive our actions:

  • Time management does not come naturally to me

  • I’m terrible at time management

  • Successful people are busy

  • Time is never on my side

  • I’m an awful planner

  • I never have time to do what I want

The turnaround: 

  • I am naturally talented at managing my time in all areas of my life

  • Time management feels effortless

  • Successful people spend their time where it matters most to them

  • Time is on my side

  • I’m in control of how I spend my time

  • I always have time for the things I want in my life

Right now, these phrases may not feel real for you. However, stay committed to the process. Think about how each statement is true for you in at least one way. Put them on sticky notes and read them as frequently as possible. Begin reading your statements in the morning and at night (and during the day if you can).  Try this process for 3 weeks and stay consistent.
Time management is a foundational tool for thriving. When you are in your power with time you gain clarity, you feel more confident and you positively connect with those around you. Time is all perspective and when you shift your mindset at the subconscious level you can let go of the drama around time and instead have time on your side. 

Christy Venza is the Founder of Career Loved, a career coaching firm specializing in leading-edge strategies for high-achievers. To read more articles by Christy, visit www.careerloved/blog.